Ebenezer Scrooge - Scrooge McDuck
Bob Cratchit - Mickey Mouse
Fred Holywell - Donald Duck
Jacob Marley - Goofy
Ghost of Christmas Past - Jiminy Cricket
Ghost of Christmas Present - Willie the Giant
Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come - Captain Pete
Two Gentlemen - Ratty & Moley
Young boy Scrooge - Duckling
Teen boy Scrooge - Huey
Adult boy Scrooge - Darkwing Duck
Small Scrooge - Tiny Duck
Fan Scrooge - Throwback the Duck
Mr. Fezziwig - J. Thaddeus Toad
Dick Wilkins - Pikachu
Belle - Daisy Duck
Tiny Tim - Fieldmouse
Emily Cratchit - Minnie Mouse
Martha Cratchit - Millie or Melody Mouse
Belinda Cratchit - Pichu
Peter Cratchit - Morty
Janet Holywell - POE-Tan
Old Joe - Plusle
Mrs. Dilber - Minun
Turkey Fetcher - Chicken Little
Funerary Undertaker - Mega Man
Undertaker's Apprentice - Donkey Kong
People of London - all Street Fighter chars
Fat Cook - Peter Pepper
Topper - QBert
Chained Ghost - all ghostface chars
Mrs. Fezziwig - Jigglypuff
Beggar Boys - Otto
Mad Fiddler - Rover Dangerfield
Fred's Guests - Mario & Luigi
Ignorance Boy - Yoshi
Adult Ignorance - Rex
Want - Kirby
Adult Want - Long Man
Business Men - Geese Howard
Business Men #2 - Dr. Robotnik
Business Men #3 - Bowser
Phantom Hearse - Sonic the Hedgehog
Well-Dressed Caroler - Terry Borgard
Tattered Caroler - Uncle Grandpa
all good choices